by Farnoosh
Call on 07968 724322
About me
My own life experiences are what have led me to my profession. My journey began with my special needs daughter. To help her I needed to change my perspective and in doing this I learnt to be more positive and appreciative of life.
​I started to use alternative therapies to heal a physical illness I had. The path I took for self-healing led me to Brazil where I met many people from all over the world and all walks of life. I learnt about meditation, spirituality and then healing.
​I believe that in order to stop repeating negative cycles and to overcome obstacles we have to look at our problems through a different lens. Perhaps, what hasn’t worked for us so far, can be solved by doing something different.
I am a fully qualified EFT, MR (trained by Karl Dawson) ,NLP and clinical hypnotherapist and a member of the EFTMRA, CNHC and GHR (General Hypnotherapy register), overseen by the General Hypnotherapy Standard Council and I am bound by their strict Code of Practice. I trained at the Anglia School of Hypnotherapy in Norwich. In addition, for several years I had been a volunteer as a NFSH and Reiki healer for the Andreasen centre in Cambridge and NFSH healing centre in Saffron Walden. I was volunteering my hypnotherapy/NLP and EFT services for a Cancer Care Centre in Cambridge for many years.
The therapies I provide include Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Matrix Reimprinting (MR) , Havening, Hypnosis for childbirth, a Virtual Gastric Band for weight release, Past Life Regression and Crystal bed therapy.
My passion in life is to help, inspire and empower people to overcome their physical, mental and emotional problems and to realise their potential in life.

Farnoosh Kovily-Minozzi

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anybody can start today and make a new ending".